Tuesday, 26 November 2013

October: Black and white

This amazing zebra envelope is made by Nancy, I love it,it is a great simple design of a detail from the zebras head. I also like how the stamps are matching.
B&W Pinguin and zebra.

 And the stripey back side:
 This scary spider envelope is made by Karen, and she kept it in the Halloween style for this month, great. I am not a big fan of spiders but I think this looks very pretty, with the dotty spider web.
 Inside the halloween envelope , was a little halloween booklet: Trick or treat..
 handmade with paper scraps of scary halloween designs, a nice surprise.
 These envelopes are made by me, as we are just moved, I have an ocean of time and decided to make zentangle drawings on the envelopes and also glued some pretty black lace on top it.
 The back, also a drawing with B&W ribbon on the sides..

 This great underwater life envelope is made by Nathalie, she used white paint for the envelope, and fish stamps, she said herself a strange combination, but I think it worked out perfect.

Friday, 18 October 2013

September: Favorite book

This envelope is made by Nancy, and her favorite book is Lord of the rings.
Beautifully made, with the look of old yellowed pages and a picture of the wizard.

The back of the envelope also looks beautiful with the ring on it.
 And inside was also special, as Nancy made a great little booklet herself....

 and when you open it, it has all beautiful pieces of paper in it with quotes and text out of the book.
I especially like this quote about the wizard..
 For some reason this picture keeps turning to its side, so I gave up on trying to fix it, and left it like this, sorry, but anyway you can still see the beautiful drawing that Nathalie made on it.
Her favorite book at the moment is the one she is reading out to her daughter, called You and me
 with a text out of the book on the back, translates to english:
If you love me as much as 1 star, whispered little bear, then I love you as much as all stars together.
 Very sweet!!

These envelopes are made by me, and one of my favorite books is Alice in wonderland, meybe because I feel like Alice in Wonderland since I moved to Australia. Weird speaking people, strange looking animals and wonderful plants and flowers.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

July/August Flamingo

Flamingo, the theme of the month July/August.
I am a big fan of flamingos, I even made 2 life size flamingos from paper mache, and they are standing in my garden. Yes, really!

These envelopes are made by Ivy:
A tropical envelope with flowers and palm trees cut out of garden magazines and 2 flamingo cut out of pages of a book:

For this envelope I cut out flamingo heads and necks and glued them on the envelope:
 I liked the simplicity of the color and shape of the flamingo, you only need a few lines to show what bird it is, for this envelope I used water color paint:
 This lovely envelope is made by Nathalie, she used a beautiful glimmery paper as background, she cut out the big flamingo out of the green paper with a pink paper behind it, and the little flamingo are glued on top of the green paper. Beautiful made, with little glitter stickers on it for the eye and flower hearts. The flamingos flew on their own here as they lost the stamp on the way!! Well done

This fantastic envelope is made by Karen and it is a very crafty piece of work.
It is a transparant envelope, stitched together on the sides and in it...
 is a golden egg, with pink feathers coming out and a flamingo with very long legs...
 and when you open the egg you can take out this gorgeous flamingo, wow!! great idea, I love it!!

This beautiful and colorful envelope is made by Nancy, I love the shape of the flamingo!!
Nice work.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

June: Favorite song

She wrote a few songlines on the envelope matching the painting of the burning heart: C`mon baby, light my fire,Try to set the night on fire.
I also like the matching stamp of a red Chevelle.

This beautiful envelope is made by Nancy, it is her first attempt to Mail Art, and I think she did a fantastic job on it.
Her favorite song is: Northern sky, by Nick Drake.
She painted me the Northern lights on the envelope and I love it, I would love to see the northern lights in real, and I didn`t know the song but thanks to her I do now and I like it a lot.

The following envelopes are made by me, Ivy :-)
One of my favorite songs is: Summerlove, by Sherbert, it gives me a real summer feel and I married my Summerlove. :-)
On the back of the envelopes I wrote a few of the songlines:
Cloudy skys are blown by with a breeze
And when that su-un shi-ines
Life comes easy
Bye bye troubles goodby-ye
I'm walkin' with my head in the sky-y-y
See birds sailing in and out of blue
Oh when that su-un shines
I'll be there with you-ou
Summer love is like no other love
Oooh yeah-yeah

These envelopes are made by Nathalie and her favorite song is: Ain`t got no/ I got life by Nina Simone
Its a great song with  great matching mail art envelopes.
Ain`t got no home, ain`t got no shoes, ain`t go no schooling
I also like how she wrote the address in the cloud that comes out the chimney of the house, I do like these little details.
 And the backside:
 The backsides of the other pretty envelopes Nathalie made:
All with songlines and musical design:

And the Front sides:

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

May: theme Animals

This months theme is Animals,
Laura made it up, I guess because she loves animals, just like me. :-)

This incredible cool mail art is made by Karen!
She put a lot of work in it, I love it!
She made a jungle of green leaves with cut outs that she glued on a plastic sheet.
Through the cut outs you can see jungle animals from her postcard peeking through!!
What a creative and original idea.
I also love that she has attached matching stamps.
Have a look at the gorilla in the corner looking through the leaves

 And the back side has a zebra print, lovely!

These envelopes are made by Ivy:
Australia is famous for its unique wildlife, so I wanted to use the native animals.
I painted them in Dot Art style, a style of painting used by the australian aboriginals.
It is quite easy to do and I thinks the effect is great.
I wanted to use the nice animal stamps that we always had, but sadly I couldn`t find a post office who was still selling them, so I had to settle for the English Queen. :-( but I added an extra 5c stamp with a Platypus. :-)
This is the Sulphur crested cockatoo:
 The big Red Kangaroo:
 A Koala:

And on the back of the envelope I made drawings of the cockatoo, koala, platypus and the pygmy possum glider.
I also wrote a part of an aussie poem:
Men of science, wise and clever,
all declare that they have never,
Met the likes of these rare creatures,
which no other country features.

This animal envelope is made by Nathalie and looks like a zoo, I love all the little drawing of animals that she made , it is a great collage of animals and have a look at the stamps,a perfect match.
Also on the top beautiful tape with animals on it.
 And as always the back of the envelope also received some attention, I like the mix and match of different colours and patterns with little animal footprints drawn over it, nice detail!